[R-SIG-Mac] EXT: Continuous loop when using R on MacOS Sierra with 3.4.4 GUI 1.70 El Capitan build (7507)

Andrew Beckett andrewb at cadence.com
Mon Mar 19 15:30:48 CET 2018

Hi Simon,

I don't have any /Library/InputManagers anywhere on the machine (either under my user area or in the root file system) - only /Library/Input Methods - and they're empty.

I did try entering this in a terminal window:

  defaults write org.R-project.R 'Ignore stderr' YES

Then when I start R it's silent and no longer spews out the messages. Slightly bothered that this blocks stderr from child processes (e.g using system) but at least R is now usable. Seems more of a band aid than a real fix though...

Thanks for the suggestion!



On Mar 19, 2018, at 2:09 PM, Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek at R-project.org<mailto:simon.urbanek at R-project.org>> wrote:


Andrew, this sounds like a bug in one of your input managers - it’s unlikely coming from R - see R for Mac FAQ 10.4 about it. You may want to remove that IM or durable stderr forwarding:



On Mar 19, 2018, at 4:46 AM, Andrew Beckett <andrewb at cadence.com<mailto:andrewb at cadence.com>> wrote:


Since I've never used R on this machine before, it seemed unlikely that this would help - but I checked (there's no .Rdata)

[mac-andrewb:~] andrewb% more .Rapp.history
[mac-andrewb:~] andrewb% more .Rhistory
[mac-andrewb:~] andrewb% ls -l .R*
-rw-r--r--  1 andrewb  GLOBAL\Domain Users  4 Mar 18 12:13 .Rapp.history
-rw-------  1 andrewb  GLOBAL\Domain Users  0 Feb 27 10:26 .Rhistory
[mac-andrewb:~] andrewb% rm .Rapp.history .Rhistory

I then re-ran R, and see exactly the same problem.



On Mar 18, 2018, at 9:05 PM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net<mailto:dwinsemius at comcast.net><mailto:dwinsemius at comcast.net>> wrote:


On Mar 18, 2018, at 12:19 PM, Gero, Eric (GE Digital) <Eric.Gero at ge.com<mailto:Eric.Gero at ge.com><mailto:Eric.Gero at ge.com>> wrote:

I have the exact same problem.  It works fine on my Mac at home, but scrolls the same error message on my MacBook Pro from work.  RStudio does work fine though.

Have you tried deleting /Users/andrewb/.Rapp.history as well as /Users/andrewb/.Rdata?


Thank you,

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 18, 2018, at 10:46 AM, Andrew Beckett <andrewb at cadence.com<mailto:andrewb at cadence.com><mailto:andrewb at cadence.com>> wrote:

Dear All,

I've been using R on my home MacBook Air for the last 3 years, but recently installed on my work MacBook Pro. Both with 3.4.3 and 3.4.4 (version in subject line) I get a continuous stream of messages (in red) in the R console when I start R:

2018-03-18 11:57:25.151 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.151 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.152 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.153 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.154 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.154 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.186 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.186 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.187 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.188 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.222 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.222 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.255 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.255 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.288 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.288 R[23446:1805525] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.328 R[23446:1805525] action _forceClickMonitorDidChange:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.442 R[23446:1805525] action _forceClickMonitorDidChange:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.442 R[23446:1805525] action _forceClickMonitorDidChange:
2018-03-18 11:57:25.442 R[23446:1805525] action _forceClickMonitorDidChange:

Any idea what is causing this or how to fix it? I've searched with Google and also using the FAQ, plus the GitHub issues, and not found anything. It makes R unusable because any output I produce from any R commands just gets lost amongst the continuous stream of red messages. There's no clue at the top of the console - it just looks like this:

R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15) -- "Someone to Lean On"
Copyright (C) 2018 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

Natural language support but running in an English locale

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

[R.app GUI 1.70 (7507) x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0]

[History restored from /Users/andrewb/.Rapp.history]

2018-03-18 12:10:08.485 R[26425:1835450] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 12:10:08.485 R[26425:1835450] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 12:10:08.512 R[26425:1835450] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 12:10:08.512 R[26425:1835450] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 12:10:08.512 R[26425:1835450] action changeColor:
2018-03-18 12:10:08.512 R[26425:1835450] action changeColor:



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David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

'Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.'   -Gehm's Corollary to Clarke's Third Law

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