[R-SIG-Mac] mirroring the cran build environment for R 3.4.x under El-capitan + (10.11+) MacOS

BATES Timothy tim.bates at ed.ac.uk
Sat Aug 5 19:40:38 CEST 2017

Hi all,

Couple of  questions about how CRAN is building packages for OSX under R 3.4.X El Cap+, prompted by our package (OpenMx) failing CRAN builds (despite building fine locally).

Q1: Is it the case that there’s no equivalent of the win.build system for package creators to test their packages against before submission?

We thought  https://builder.r-hub.io would be ideal for this but apparently r.hub and the CRAN build are differenent? It would seem ideal to set-up r-hub identically to the CRAN check machine… Is that possible?

Q2: Can someone (Simon?) clarify here what the CRAN mac build system is? Specifically:

1. For Clang one uses  clang-4.0.0-darwin15.6-Release.tar.gz<http://r.research.att.com/libs/clang-4.0.0-darwin15.6-Release.tar.gz>  located at  here http://r.research.att.com/libs

2. For  Fortran one uses OS X El Capitan (10.11): download gfortran 6.1<http://coudert.name/software/gfortran-6.1-ElCapitan.dmg> from https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GFortranBinaries#MacOS (even if one if running 10.12 or 10.13, right?)

3. Make file. Is this the make file being used for CRAN check?



Many thanks if it is possible to clarify building packages to mirror CRAN check under 3.4.X

PS: It would be great to have an Apple installer package for Clang… Perhaps getting installer packages for the build environment would be a good project for https://builder.r-hub.io ? (they are seeking <$10k projects with wide benefit, and I would have thought that keeping up an apple pkg for building R would fit that bill perfectly!!
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