[R-SIG-Mac] How to put below code in Automator in iOS
Christofer Bogaso
bogaso.christofer at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 20:25:38 CEST 2016
I just have used that to provide an example what I am onto. My actual
code is something else and kind of personal nature since some
proprietary data are there. However essentially they are same.
What I am intending to do is, there will be some .app file which maps
that R code. Once user run that .app file by double clicking it, some
pop up will open and user shall provide further customized inputs. And
resultingly the final calculated data in csv file will be saved in
hard disk. In this way, user wont need to open R window, copy paste
the R code to do same calculation. So to me, this .app approach looks
more neat and simple from user's perspective.
On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 11:38 PM, David Winsemius
<dwinsemius at comcast.net> wrote:
>> On Oct 27, 2016, at 11:05 AM, Christofer Bogaso <bogaso.christofer at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The code is same as in that page. i.e.
>> require(tcltk)
>> tt <- tktoplevel()
>> rb1 <- tkradiobutton(tt)
>> rb2 <- tkradiobutton(tt)
>> rbValue <- tclVar("oranges")
>> tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="apples")
>> tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue,value="oranges")
>> tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Which do you prefer?"))
>> tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Apples "),rb1)
>> tkgrid(tklabel(tt,text="Oranges "),rb2)
>> OnOK <- function()
>> {
>> rbVal <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
>> tkdestroy(tt)
>> if (rbVal=="apples")
>> tkmessageBox(message="Good choice! An apple a day keeps the doctor away!")
>> if (rbVal=="oranges")
>> tkmessageBox(message="Good choice! Oranges are full of Vitamin C!")
>> }
>> OK.but <- tkbutton(tt,text="OK",command=OnOK)
>> tkgrid(OK.but)
>> tkfocus(tt)
> I'm predicting that you cannot get that file to do anything interesting with Rscript, so I don't understand why you think that you can use an Rscript-ing strategy within Automator.
> --
> David.
>> On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 11:10 PM, David Winsemius
>> <dwinsemius at comcast.net> wrote:
>>>> On Oct 27, 2016, at 10:32 AM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>> On Oct 27, 2016, at 10:16 AM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>>> On Oct 27, 2016, at 10:07 AM, Christofer Bogaso <bogaso.christofer at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Previously I posted this same thread in general R help, however folks
>>>>>> there suggested to post in this specialized group for better answer.
>>>>>> I have a piece of code available here
>>>>>> http://mcu.edu.tw/~chenmh/teaching/project/r/reference/RTclTkExamples/radiobuttons.html
>>>>>> Now I put that code in a .R file and then created an .app file in Mac
>>>>>> using Automator as explained below
>>>>>> https://www.r-bloggers.com/how-to-source-an-r-script-automatically-on-a-mac-using-automator-and-ical/
>>>>>> Surprisingly what I see is that, when I put that R code in a .app
>>>>>> file, R fails to pop up the input window, which otherwise is fine when
>>>>>> I just copy paste that code in R window.
>>>>>> Could you please help if I need to have anything extra so that my .app
>>>>>> will be able to take the input.
>>>>> You should post the code that is in your .R file.
>>>> I have further concerns that I should have mentioned because I suspect you're trying to use functions that are not designed to be used inside Rscript process. The Tcl/Tk functions are designed to use in interactive sessions.
>>> And some searching on this matter shows that there have been prior suggested approaches to starting interactive R processes from a system console session:
>>> http://markmail.org/search/?q=list%3Aorg.r-project.r-help+rscript+interactive+tcl#query:list%3Aorg.r-project.r-help%20rscript%20interactive%20tcl+page:1+mid:uyykuacq77cuxoas+state:results
>>>>>> Thanks for your time.
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>>>>> David Winsemius
>>>>> Alameda, CA, USA
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>>>> David Winsemius
>>>> Alameda, CA, USA
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>>> David Winsemius
>>> Alameda, CA, USA
> David Winsemius
> Alameda, CA, USA
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