[R-SIG-Mac] R vs. Microsoft R-Open updates?

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Tue Jun 28 04:22:24 CEST 2016

> On Jun 27, 2016, at 4:47 PM, Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek at r-project.org> wrote:
>> On Jun 26, 2016, at 5:40 PM, Carl Witthoft <carl at witthoft.com> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I D/L'd the 3.3.1 version of R for MacOSX and ran the installer. After getting some "can't load" error messages, I discovered that the installer had updated the MicrosoftROpen.app, not the "vanilla"  R.app . Is this expected behavior, or am I making a hash of my apps and libraries by trying to keep both R and MRO available on my (Yosemite) machine?
> I don't know about MRO (sounds somewhat paradoxical ;)), but Apple Installer simply upgrades the application on your machine no matter where you moved it (whether you like it or not). If it really did upgrade your MRO app then it means Microsoft doesn't even bother changing the ID of the app which means they still claim it's our CRAN R which sounds really wrong given the name...

My first reply got held up because the pdf file was too big (< 500 kB). I was showing the package contents of the MRO.app and the R.app in hte Applications directory to show that they were essentially the same except for some icons and the R file they point to:

$ ls -R "/Applications/Microsoft R Open.app/Contents"
Info.plist	MacOS		PkgInfo		Resources

/Applications/Microsoft R Open.app/Contents/MacOS:
Microsoft R Open

/Applications/Microsoft R Open.app/Contents/Resources:
COPYRIGHTS			NewDocumentItemImage.tiff	add_row.tiff			nl.lproj
English.lproj			Prefs.tiff			colors.tiff			objEdit.tiff
Folding Bottom Hoover.png	RInput.png			colorsPP.tiff			objRem.png
Folding Bottom Pressed.png	RLogo.png			de.lproj			quartz.tiff
Folding Bottom.png		RMacOSX-FAQ.html		default.css			quartzPP.tiff
Folding Collapsed Hoover.png	RMacOSX-FAQ.texi		emptyDoc.tiff			quit.png
Folding Collapsed Pressed.png	ReadMe.txt			fr.lproj			refresh.png
Folding Collapsed.png		Revolution R OpenLogo.icns	history.png			rem_col.tiff
Folding Top Hoover.png		Revolution R Opendata.icns	index.html			rem_row.tiff
Folding Top Pressed.png		Revolution R Opendoc.icns	it.lproj			sourceR.tiff
Folding Top.png			Revolution R Openrun.icns	ja.lproj			stop.tiff
GUI-tools.R			SaveDocumentItemImage.tiff	lock-locked.tiff		sush
INSTALL				TODO-LIST			lock-unlocked.tiff
LoadDocumentItemImage.tiff	X11.icns			logs.icns
NEWS				add_col.tiff			miscPP.png

/Applications/Microsoft R Open.app/Contents/Resources/English.lproj:
ColorsPrefPane.nib		Localizable.strings		R.scriptSuite			RQuartz.nib
Credits.rtf			MainMenu.nib			R.scriptTerminology		SelectEncodingsPanel.nib
EditorPrefPane.nib		MiscPrefPane.nib		RConsole.nib			SyntaxColorsPrefPane.nib
EncodingPopupView.nib		QuartzPrefPane.nib		RDocument.nib			Vignettes.nib

/Applications/Microsoft R Open.app/Contents/Resources/de.lproj:
ColorsPrefPane.nib		Localizable.strings		QuartzPrefPane.nib		SyntaxColorsPrefPane.nib
Credits.rtf			MainMenu.nib			RDocument.nib			Vignettes.nib
EditorPrefPane.nib		MiscPrefPane.nib		SelectEncodingsPanel.nib

/Applications/Microsoft R Open.app/Contents/Resources/fr.lproj:
Credits.rtf			MainMenu.nib			RDocument.nib			Vignettes.nib
EditorPrefPane.nib		MiscPrefPane.nib		SelectEncodingsPanel.nib
Localizable.strings		QuartzPrefPane.nib		SyntaxColorsPrefPane.nib

/Applications/Microsoft R Open.app/Contents/Resources/it.lproj:
ColorsPrefPane.nib		Localizable.strings		QuartzPrefPane.nib		SyntaxColorsPrefPane.nib
Credits.rtf			MainMenu.nib			RDocument.nib			Vignettes.nib
EditorPrefPane.nib		MiscPrefPane.nib		SelectEncodingsPanel.nib

/Applications/Microsoft R Open.app/Contents/Resources/ja.lproj:
ColorsPrefPane.nib		Localizable.strings		QuartzPrefPane.nib		SelectEncodingsPanel.nib
Credits.rtf			MainMenu.nib			RConsole.nib			SyntaxColorsPrefPane.nib
EditorPrefPane.nib		MiscPrefPane.nib		RDocument.nib			Vignettes.nib

/Applications/Microsoft R Open.app/Contents/Resources/nl.lproj:
ColorsPrefPane.nib		Localizable.strings		QuartzPrefPane.nib		SelectEncodingsPanel.nib
Credits.rtf			MainMenu.nib			RConsole.nib			SyntaxColorsPrefPane.nib
EditorPrefPane.nib		MiscPrefPane.nib		RDocument.nib			Vignettes.nib

#--- and now the R.app files ---------------------

$ ls -R "/Applications/R.app/Contents"
Info.plist	MacOS		PkgInfo		Resources


COPYRIGHTS			NewDocumentItemImage.tiff	add_row.tiff			nl.lproj
English.lproj			Prefs.tiff			colors.tiff			objEdit.tiff
Folding Bottom Hoover.png	RInput.png			colorsPP.tiff			objRem.png
Folding Bottom Pressed.png	RLogo.icns			de.lproj			quartz.tiff
Folding Bottom.png		RLogo.png			default.css			quartzPP.tiff
Folding Collapsed Hoover.png	RMacOSX-FAQ.html		emptyDoc.tiff			quit.png
Folding Collapsed Pressed.png	RMacOSX-FAQ.texi		fr.lproj			refresh.png
Folding Collapsed.png		Rdata.icns			history.png			rem_col.tiff
Folding Top Hoover.png		Rdoc.icns			index.html			rem_row.tiff
Folding Top Pressed.png		ReadMe.txt			it.lproj			sourceR.tiff
Folding Top.png			Rrun.icns			ja.lproj			stop.tiff
GUI-tools.R			SaveDocumentItemImage.tiff	lock-locked.tiff		sush
INSTALL				TODO-LIST			lock-unlocked.tiff
LoadDocumentItemImage.tiff	X11.icns			logs.icns
NEWS				add_col.tiff			miscPP.png

ColorsPrefPane.nib		Localizable.strings		R.scriptSuite			RQuartz.nib
Credits.rtf			MainMenu.nib			R.scriptTerminology		SelectEncodingsPanel.nib
EditorPrefPane.nib		MiscPrefPane.nib		RConsole.nib			SyntaxColorsPrefPane.nib
EncodingPopupView.nib		QuartzPrefPane.nib		RDocument.nib			Vignettes.nib

ColorsPrefPane.nib		Localizable.strings		QuartzPrefPane.nib		SyntaxColorsPrefPane.nib
Credits.rtf			MainMenu.nib			RDocument.nib			Vignettes.nib
EditorPrefPane.nib		MiscPrefPane.nib		SelectEncodingsPanel.nib

Credits.rtf			MainMenu.nib			RDocument.nib			Vignettes.nib
EditorPrefPane.nib		MiscPrefPane.nib		SelectEncodingsPanel.nib
Localizable.strings		QuartzPrefPane.nib		SyntaxColorsPrefPane.nib

ColorsPrefPane.nib		Localizable.strings		QuartzPrefPane.nib		SyntaxColorsPrefPane.nib
Credits.rtf			MainMenu.nib			RDocument.nib			Vignettes.nib
EditorPrefPane.nib		MiscPrefPane.nib		SelectEncodingsPanel.nib

ColorsPrefPane.nib		Localizable.strings		QuartzPrefPane.nib		SelectEncodingsPanel.nib
Credits.rtf			MainMenu.nib			RConsole.nib			SyntaxColorsPrefPane.nib
EditorPrefPane.nib		MiscPrefPane.nib		RDocument.nib			Vignettes.nib

ColorsPrefPane.nib		Localizable.strings		QuartzPrefPane.nib		SelectEncodingsPanel.nib
Credits.rtf			MainMenu.nib			RConsole.nib			SyntaxColorsPrefPane.nib
EditorPrefPane.nib		MiscPrefPane.nib		RDocument.nib			Vignettes.nib


> Cheers,
> Simon  
>> -- 
>> Carl Witthoft
>> carl at witthoft.com
>> resume: https://app.box.com/WitthoftResume
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David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA

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