[R-SIG-Mac] Issues with rJava on OS X El Capitan

Rozenblat Céline celine.rozenblat at unil.ch
Mon Feb 15 16:56:23 CET 2016

Dear all,

I personally solved my problems with R using R-Studio… Hope it can help...


> Le 15 févr. 2016 à 16:12, Berend Hasselman <bhh at xs4all.nl> a écrit :
>> On 15 Feb 2016, at 15:48, Brandon Hurr <bhive01 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Berend, 
>> I realize this is slightly off the goal of getting java working on your system, but it looks like you're using rJava to extract data from Excel files. Have you considered or tested using the readXL package instead? I believe it does not require rJava to work. 
>> https://github.com/hadley/readxl
> Yes I have tried readxl in addition to the others. It's very, very fast.
> 1. it doesn't/can't write Excel files (yet?).
> 2. I'm testing/checking/analyzing R code for someone else who uses XLConnect especially for writing Excel files. That's why I'm doing this.
> Berend
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  Céline ROZENBLAT           
  Chair of the Urban Geography Commission 
  of the International Geographical Union
  Institute of Geography and Sustainability - Faculty of Geoscience 
  Geopolis Building- office 3614      
  Mouline area       
  CH - 1015 LAUSANNE 
Tel   : 41 (0)21 692 36 13 
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Fax   : 41 (0)21 692 30 75 
Email: celine.rozenblat at unil.ch

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SKYPE: Celine Rozenblat

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