[R-SIG-Mac] Help on the quartz font problem

Yanyuan Zhu yyz at tongji.edu.cn
Fri Jul 12 12:45:57 CEST 2013

Dear All, I got some problems in displaying my font when I plot by R.

Here's the environment I use
R version 3.0.1 (2013-05-16) -- "Good Sport"

When I try to plot a figure in either Rstudio or Emacs(with ESS), for
example, the following command

     ylab="Depreciation (ln)",
     xlab=expression(paste(Sigma, " GRP (ln)"))
b0 <- round(DepAggGRP.lm.sum$coefficients[1,1], 2)
b1 <- round(DepAggGRP.lm.sum$coefficients[2,1],2)
r2 <- round(DepAggGRP.lm.sum$r.squared,2)
eqn <- bquote(italic(y)==.(b0)+.(b1)*italic(x)*"," ~~r^2==.(r2))
#italic(y) == .(b0) + .(b1) * italic(x) ","~~R^2 == .(r2))
text(9.5, 7.0, eqn, pos=4)

I got the output pdf like attached. Obviously the font fails to display
greek words in xlab, and some basic operation symbols in text(). I try to
open the pdf in PDF viewer, say, acrobat reader, it works fine, as attached.

After googling a while, I see it might be due to the quartz settings. But I
really dont know how to do that: can I change my settings, to let my quartz
display plot font correctly, just like the acrobat reader does, plz?

thanks in advance.

here are some of my  R output that might be needed.

> quartzFont()
Error in checkQuartzFont(family) :
  argument "family" is missing, with no default
> quartzFonts()
[1] "Times-Roman"      "Times-Bold"       "Times-Italic"
[4] "Times-BoldItalic"

[1] "Helvetica"             "Helvetica-Bold"
[3] "Helvetica-Oblique"     "Helvetica-BoldOblique"

[1] "Courier"             "Courier-Bold"        "Courier-Oblique"
[4] "Courier-BoldOblique"

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