[R-SIG-Mac] how to compile R for use with binary CRAN packages

Tobias Verbeke tobias.verbeke at openanalytics.eu
Sun Apr 28 19:43:14 CEST 2013

Dear list, 

The build page at


explicitly mentions

Note that your binary will require you to install all packages from sources. 

Is there any documentation on how to compile R from source
in such a way that one can install binary packages from CRAN? 

I have read


but may have overlooked any specific pointers.

Many thanks in advance for your help.


P.S. target R version currently is R 2.15.3 but if R 3.0.0 
would make this easier, then that is a sufficient reason to
move to R 3.0.0.


Tobias Verbeke

OpenAnalytics BVBA
Jupiterstraat 20
2600 Antwerp

E tobias.verbeke at openanalytics.eu
M +32 499 36 33 15

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