[R-SIG-Mac] Problem importing several files every day

Ben Bond-Lamberty bpbond at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 13:02:41 CEST 2013


It looks like you need to change one line slightly:

filenames<-all.filenames[!(all.filenames %in% old.filenames$V1)]

...because you're reading old.filenames.tab into a data frame. I don't
think this should be platform-dependent, but don't know for sure.

Another option, simpler it seems to me, would be to move the files to
a "already_processed" folder when you're done with them.


On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 6:21 AM, Martin Lavoie
<martin21skifond at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> I sent a question to the R-help list  a few days ago. It was suggested that
> my problem could be related to my OS.
> I want to import several .dat files every day of the week from the same
> folder.
> My question was how can I import on day 2, day3, day4... the new files in
> the folder but without importing the files already imported from the
> previous days.
> The code suggested by one the member was:
> *# first set up a dummy file for the first run to avoid an error
> system("echo xxx > old.filenames.tab")
> # obviously don't do this again
> all.filenames<-list.files(path="pathtofile", full.names=TRUE)
> old.filenames<-read.table("old.filenames.tab")
> filenames<-all.filenames[!(all.filenames %in% old.filenames)]
> write.table(all.filenames,file="old.filenames.tab",row.names=FALSE)*
> The member who suggested the code is using a PC and he gets the correct
> answer  obviously but on my Mac, I get the wrong output (see below), that
> is all.filenames = filenames (which should be the difference between
> all.filenames and old.filenames).
> Any suggestions?
> thank you
> martin
> setwd("~/Desktop/folder/")
> system("echo xxx > old.filenames.tab")
> all.filenames<-list.files(pattern="[.]csv", full.names=TRUE)
> old.filenames<-read.table("old.filenames.tab")
> filenames<-all.filenames[!(all.filenames %in% old.filenames)]
> write.table(all.filenames,file="old.filenames.tab",row.names=FALSE)
> #
>> all.filenames
> [1] "./GMReducedF.csv"     "./HLReducedF.csv"     "./MinardReducedF.csv"
>> old.filenames
>    V1
> 1 xxx
> #
>> filenames
> [1] "./GMReducedF.csv"     "./HLReducedF.csv"     "./MinardReducedF.csv"
> ##Now with a few more files in the folder and after running the same code
> above:
>> all.filenames
> [1] "./GMReducedF.csv"     "./HLReducedF.csv"     "./MinardReducedF.csv"
> "./Site1ReducedF.csv"  "./Site2ReducedF.csv"
> #
>> old.filenames
>                     V1
> 1                    x
> 2     ./GMReducedF.csv
> 3     ./HLReducedF.csv
> 4 ./MinardReducedF.csv
> #
>> filenames
> [1] "./GMReducedF.csv"     "./HLReducedF.csv"     "./MinardReducedF.csv"
> "./Site1ReducedF.csv"  "./Site2ReducedF.csv"
> sessionInfo()
> R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26)
> Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit)
> locale:
> [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base
>         [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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