[R-SIG-Mac] Naive question about permissions

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Sat Oct 20 03:55:02 CEST 2012

On Oct 19, 2012, at 5:28 PM, Paul Hewson wrote:

> typing R in the console gets the error "you don't have permission to use the application R".   the message is on a dialog box that pops up.
> the R gui though is marvellous, works fine.   Problem is I can't run r from aquamacs (same error message), or from make.

What exactly happens when you run R in Terminal? Do you still get a dialog box? It's a console application after all ...

> R will though run as sudo, but that seems like a naughty workround.   But at least it suggests all the paths etc. are correct.
> Fairly sure this is all dumb newbie mac user, but I hope I'm not the first.  

To my best knowledge yes, you are - this is not something that usually happens with the CRAN binary .. it's rather odd unless you have some custom setting ... try R --vanilla just in case ...


>  I couldn't see anything on any helplists anywhere.   The only thing close was to run the "repair permissions" which I've done and a email from you a couple of years ago about mac installer setting permissions.   As I say, I think I've tracked the symlink itself as well as the files it links to /usr/bin/R is itself a symlink to R64.    All three users have an x when you do ls -l , they don't all have r and w. 
> Thanks
> paul
> =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
> Paul Hewson
> Editor, Teaching Statistics (www.teachingstatistics.co.uk)
> Associate Professor (SL) Statistics
> School of Computing & Maths
> Plymouth University
> Drake Circus
> Plymouth PL4 8AA
> ++44 (0)1752 586870
> On 19 Oct 2012, at 22:05, "Simon Urbanek" <simon.urbanek at r-project.org> wrote:
>> Paul,
>> On Oct 19, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Paul Hewson wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have just been given an institutional macbook - I'm very used to linux, but some apple things are baffling me (like the lack of sudo apt-get update and upgrade for example).   
>> It's called softwareupdate on OS X ... apt is specific to Debian, so, yes, OS X is not Debian :) Just install Debian on the MacBook if you don't want to be baffled, it's possible and some people that buy Macs just for the hardware do it.
>>> I've installed roasted marshmallows, it's very nice.   However, I can't run it from command line (or aquamacs) due to some permissions error.   I've checked both R, the R64 and the symlink as described on the FAQ page.   All the permissions look OK (everyone seems to have x).
>>> The only thing I can think of is that I'm not in the admin group (and can't seem to put myself in that group).    Could this be a chmod issue or am I barking up the wrong tree completely.
>> We can't tell because you omitted all useful information ... (what error? where? how do you start it?)
>> Cheers,
>> Simon
>>> Paul
>>> =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
>>> Paul Hewson
>>> Editor, Teaching Statistics (www.teachingstatistics.co.uk)
>>> Associate Professor (SL) Statistics
>>> School of Computing & Maths
>>> Plymouth University
>>> Drake Circus
>>> Plymouth PL4 8AA
>>> ++44 (0)1752 586870
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