[R-SIG-Mac] R Update - FAILED- HELP!!!

Jean Jang jeanwaijang at gmail.com
Sat Oct 6 23:10:45 CEST 2012

Thanks for your reply! Me? Panic?! Never, I have only been working on  
this project for 2.5 years! :)

I was originally in R (the older version) and then I clicked on update  
an option from the Top Tool bar, it brought me to an R page and I  
clicked on update latest version for Mac OS X. I don't think I went to  
the CRAN R installer website and did not know to do so but do not  
remember visiting 'homebrew'.

I just tried launching from the Terminal and it did not work, the same  
default appeared and asked me if I wanted to relaunch again.

Please advise, Jean

On 6-Oct-12, at 10:38 AM, R. Michael Weylandt wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 6, 2012 at 9:33 PM, Jean Jang <jeanwaijang at gmail.com>  
> wrote:
>> Hi R-listers,
>> I just tried updating my R and now I can't even open it and it is
>> prompting me to relaunch then relaunch just reappears. And it will  
>> not
>> open R. I am afraid I may have lost my scripts.
>> What should I do? I am running a MacBook OS X Version 10.5.8
>> 1) Restore the entire system to an earlier date?
>> 2) Drag R from applications and reload R program (updated version)?
>> Will my script files still show up if I do either of these options  
>> this?
>> Please advise. Jean
> Hi Jean,
> We'll need some more information about what you did and how you went
> about doing it.
> Firstly, did you use the CRAN R installer or did you do something
> "unofficial" like homebrew?
> Second, can you launch R from the Terminal? [1] If so, it's likely a
> GUI problem and not a problem with R itself.
> Thirdly, don't panic. If you saved your scripts in a reasonable place
> (e.g., anything under your home directory) the R installer shouldn't
> have touched it.
> Cheers,
> Michael
> [1] If you don't know how to do this, click the "Applications" stack
> in your dock. Then utilities. Then Terminal. A window (likely white
> with black font) will appear; type "R" (no quotes) into it and hit
> enter.

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