[R-SIG-Mac] Trouble with install.packages() after upgrade to 2.14.2

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Sun Mar 18 22:14:58 CET 2012

On Mar 16, 2012, at 9:30 AM, Grant Cavanaugh wrote:

> Earlier today I updated R to 2.14.2 so that I could install the new
> ggplot2. Now I'm getting the following error anytime I try and use
> install.packages():
> Warning in install.packages :
> package Œfoo‚ is not available (for R version 2.14.2)

Please use http://r.research.att.com as mirror (or any mirrors that are more recent like the CRAN.r-project.org master ...).

> I get this error regardless of the CRAN mirror I use (I've tried a bunch)

See above.


> and regardless of the interface (Rstudio, the Mac gui for R.app, or the
> command line.) I've tried to rectify my mistake by removing R and
> installing an older version. I used the command:
> rm -rf /Library/Frameworks/R.framework /Applications/R.app
> Even after that reinstallation I got the same error (using 2.14.1 and
> 2.14.0).
> I can still install packages from binaries I download from the CRAN
> website.
> Is this a problem anyone else is having on snow leopard? Any suggestions
> for where to go next with my troubleshooting?
> Many thanks,
> Grant
> (I've included the full console output below for the typical error)
> R version 2.14.2 (2012-02-29)
> Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
> ISBN 3-900051-07-0
> Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit)
> R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
> You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
> Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
> Natural language support but running in an English locale
> R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
> Type 'contributors()' for more information and
> 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
> Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
> 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
> Type 'q()' to quit R.
> [Workspace loaded from ~/Dropbox/R working directory/.RData]
>> install.packages("ggplot2")
> Installing package(s) into
> Œ/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.14/Resources/library‚
> (as Œlib‚ is unspecified)
> --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
> CRAN mirror
> 1: Argentina (La Plata)      2: Argentina (Mendoza)
> 3: Australia (Canberra)      4: Australia (Melbourne)
> 5: Austria                   6: Belgium
> 7: Brazil (PR)               8: Brazil (RJ)
> 9: Brazil (SP 1)            10: Brazil (SP 2)
> 11: Canada (BC)              12: Canada (NS)
> 13: Canada (ON)              14: Canada (QC 1)
> 15: Canada (QC 2)            16: Chile
> 17: China (Beijing 1)        18: China (Beijing 2)
> 19: China (Beijing 3)        20: China (Guangzhou)
> 21: China (Hefei)            22: China (Xiamen)
> 23: Colombia (Bogota)        24: Colombia (Cali)
> 25: Denmark                  26: France (Toulouse)
> 27: France (Lyon 1)          28: France (Lyon 2)
> 29: Germany (Berlin)         30: Germany (Goettingen)
> 31: Germany (Wiesbaden)      32: Greece
> 33: India                    34: Indonesia (Jakarta 1)
> 35: Indonesia (Jakarta 2)    36: Iran
> 37: Ireland                  38: Italy (Milano)
> 39: Italy (Padua)            40: Italy (Palermo)
> 41: Japan (Hyogo)            42: Japan (Tsukuba)
> 43: Japan (Tokyo)            44: Korea
> 45: Latvia                   46: Mexico (Mexico City)
> 47: Mexico (Texcoco)         48: Netherlands (Amsterdam)
> 49: Netherlands (Utrecht)    50: New Zealand
> 51: Norway                   52: Philippines
> 53: Poland (Oswiecim)        54: Poland (Wroclaw)
> 55: Russia                   56: Singapore
> 57: Slovakia 1               58: Slovakia 2
> 59: South Africa             60: Spain (Madrid)
> 61: Sweden                   62: Switzerland
> 63: Taiwan (Taichung)        64: Taiwan (Taipei)
> 65: Thailand                 66: UK (Bristol)
> 67: UK (London)              68: UK (St Andrews)
> 69: USA (CA 1)               70: USA (CA 2)
> 71: USA (IA)                 72: USA (KS)
> 73: USA (MD)                 74: USA (MI)
> 75: USA (MO)                 76: USA (OH)
> 77: USA (OR)                 78: USA (PA 1)
> 79: USA (PA 2)               80: USA (TN)
> 81: USA (TX 1)               82: USA (TX 2)
> 83: USA (WA 1)               84: USA (WA 2)
> Selection: 73
> Warning in install.packages :
>  package Œggplot2‚ is not available (for R version 2.14.2)
> 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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