[R-SIG-Mac] Rcmdr 1.8.3 on Lion with R 2.15 shutting down when trying import data

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Wed Apr 11 18:51:36 CEST 2012

One of the potential fixes to attempt would be to track down the  
usually invisible .Rdata file that sometimes gets corrupted. You may  
need to use a Terminal session to do this. The fact that this only  
happens with the default or usual directory is what makes me think  
this common fix may succeed.


On Apr 11, 2012, at 12:36 PM, Graham Smith wrote:

> John,
> Thanks for the rapid response
>> As I just verified, "Data -> Import data -> From text file,  
>> clipboard, or
>> URL" works fine for me, with R 2.15.0 and Rcmdr 1.8-3 (the version
>> currently
>> on CRAN) under Mac OS X Lion.
>> I'm not sure what to suggest. Can you provide some more details?
> Well, this is very weird, if I double click on any directory (other  
> than
> the one where my data is stored) it works fine.
> Double clicking on my Dropbox folder (where my data is) shuts R and  
> Rcmdr
> down.
> This is where my data has been for several years now, so it obviously
> worked before the upgrade. It's the same on both Macs, so there must  
> be
> something odd about this directory, but I have no idea what it could  
> be.
> Thanks again,
> Graham
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David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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