[R-SIG-Mac] manually load package

Lara R. Appleby 04 Lara.R.Appleby.04 at Alum.Dartmouth.ORG
Wed Nov 23 17:05:53 CET 2011

I want to install the old R package "Design" from a source file "Design_2.3-0.tar.gz"  
which is on my desktop. I need this (old) package to run another (newer) package  

>  install.packages(pkgs="Design_2.3-0.tar.gz", repos=NULL,contriburl=NULL,dependencies=NULL,available=NULL,type="source",lib=  
Warning message:
In getDependencies(pkgs, dependencies, available, lib) :
   package 'Design_2.3-0.tar.gz' is not available (for R version 2.14.0)

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