[R-SIG-Mac] Does anyone recognize this error?

Bryan Hanson hanson at depauw.edu
Fri Nov 11 16:39:23 CET 2011

[a variation of this was posted on r-help the other day with no answers]

I've done something to my installation and can't find the cause.  This started up a few days ago, it could be related to the problem that Simon was working on in the past 48, but I increasingly think not.

My current install is totally fresh this morning off of r.research.att.com and the problem persists.  Here's a couple of examples:

Example 1:
> ?sd
Error in help("sd", package = NULL) : 
  could not find function "%is.not.a%"

Example 2 (from r-help posting):

I have 3 packages that I authored and they build and check just fine locally.  However, when I try to install the local source packages (from the .tar.gz), I get the following message: 

Error in `+.POSIXt`(as.POSIXct(origin, tz = tz, ...), x) : 
  could not find function "%is.a%" 
In addition: Warning message: 
In install.packages(file.choose(), .libPaths()[1], NULL, type = "source") : 
  installation of package ‘/Users/bryanhanson/Documents/Research/MetabolomicsProjects/ChemometricsStuff/BAHpackages/FuncMap_1.0-1.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status 

Now this is pretty surprising to me; I don't use this function or any having to do with times or time series.  I get the same message no matter which of the 3 packages I try to install locally.  Further, if I go looking for whatever this function is, the following occurs, and no browser window opens: 

> findFn("is.a") 
found 3 matches 
Error in stopifnot(x %is.a% "POSIXct") : could not find function "%is.a%" 

Which is the same error as one gets just asking for help (Example 1), so I think that error is superceding any display of help pages.

And a google search of the error message doesn't produce anything recent. 

Does anyone recognize this problem/error?  I've thrown out and re-installed several times and it persists.  I feel like it might be in a hidden file (I have not yet tried to remove all existing .Rhistory files).  I also had a development version of ggplot2 installed a few days ago, in an attempt to fix a different problem.  My current sessionInfo() is below.

Thanks for any suggestions about where to look.  Bryan
Bryan Hanson
Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry
DePauw University

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.14.0 Patched (2011-11-09 r57624)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0/x86_64 (64-bit)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] graphics  utils     datasets  grid      grDevices stats     methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] HiveR_0.2-1      FuncMap_1.0-1    ChemoSpec_1.48-4 ggExtra_0.5.1    gridExtra_0.8.5 
 [6] GGally_0.3.1     stringr_0.5      ggplot2_0.8.9    proto_0.3-9.2    reshape_0.8.4   
[11] plyr_1.6         sos_1.3-1        brew_1.0-6       xtable_1.6-0     rgl_0.92.798    

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] amap_0.8-7         bipartite_1.17     chemometrics_1.3.7 class_7.3-3       
 [5] e1071_1.6          igraph_0.5.5-3     lattice_0.20-0     MASS_7.3-16       
 [9] mclust_3.4.10      mvbutils_2.5.101   mvoutlier_1.9.4    mvtnorm_0.9-9991  
[13] nnet_7.3-1         pcaPP_1.9-44       pls_2.2-0          R.oo_1.8.3        
[17] R.utils_1.9.3      RColorBrewer_1.0-5 RFOC_2.0-02        robustbase_0.7-8  
[21] rpart_3.1-50       seriation_1.0-6    sna_2.2-0          som_0.3-5         
[25] splines_2.14.0     survival_2.36-10   tnet_3.0.5         tools_2.14.0      
[29] TSP_1.0-5          vegan_2.0-1       

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