[R-SIG-Mac] ?> as a valid help request

Timothy Bates tim.bates at ed.ac.uk
Wed May 25 18:32:58 CEST 2011

> just do
> '?>'
On 25 May 2011, at 5:20 PM, Marc Schwartz wrote:
> ?>
> Error: unexpected '>' in “?>”

Thanks Mark and Ian,
Glad it’s a straightforward and memorable workaround. And this is easy in the new GUI (which adds quotes around a selection. Still wish that the error told me that was a likely cause: I just assumed it was impossible to search on.

Followup GUI query: Is there a was to go to the beginning of the command line directly? My method is to cmd-right select the line, then use right arrow to fall off the end of the selection leaving the cursor at the start (ready to type a ?)

This fails: The right arrow just does nothing…

As cmd-shift-? opens help, a lovely enhancement would be for cmd-cntrl-? to execute ?rGUISelection

Then help would be just a matter of select and keystroke, with no need to delete the? or pollute the history.


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