[R-SIG-Mac] Source package compile under OS X Lion

Nils B. Weidmann nils.weidmann at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 17:00:47 CET 2011

I've been trying to compile the RPostgreSQL package under Lion. 
Compilation fails using the most recent Xcode 4.2. Used to work 
perfectly under Snow Leopard and Xcode 3.2.

The error message is

 > make: gcc-4.2: No such file or directory

I guess this has to do with Apple's switch to a new compiler, 
llvm-gcc-4.2. gcc-4.2 does not seem to exist anymore.

Any suggestions? Would it be possible to set the compiler path manually?

Thanks a lot!
Nils B. Weidmann
Centre for the Study of Civil War
Peace Research Institute Oslo

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