[R-SIG-Mac] Rcmdr in Aqua TclTk (Prof Brian Ripley)

William Northcott w.northcott at unsw.edu.au
Wed Nov 24 00:09:20 CET 2010

>>>> Does anyone know if it is possible to run Rcmdr in Aqua TclTk (e.g.,
>>>> ActiveStates TclTk 8.6)? Could any replies be sent to me directly
>>>> since I don't subscribe to the list?
>>> Well, there is no 'TclTk 8.6' yet (it's a beta), but 8.5.9 worked last
>>> time I tried.  However, you will have to build R to use it, and use
>>> (command-line) R and not R.app (the GUI).

I notice the new 8.6 Aqua Tcl/Tk uses Cocoa rather than the old Carbon APIs.  Perhaps Simon has some comments about whether this might make it possible to play better with the Cocoa R.app GUI.

Bill Northcott

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