[R-SIG-Mac] build of package xlsx fails on Mac

Adrian Dragulescu adrian_d at eskimo.com
Tue Mar 9 17:54:35 CET 2010


One user pointed to me that the build of package xlsx fails on Mac.  I did 
not change anything on CRAN since I've uploaded the package.  I believe it 
used to work fine.

The issue is Java specific as my package uses rJava.  When running the 
examples, one gets:
checking Rd contents ... OK
checking examples ... ERROR
Running examples in 'xlsx-Ex.R' failed.
The error most likely occurred in:

> ### * CellStyle
> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
> ### Name: CellStyle
> ### Title: Functions to manipulate cells.
> ### Aliases: CellStyle createCellStyle setCellStyle getCellStyle
> ### ** Examples
> wb <- createWorkbook()
> sheet <- createSheet(wb, "Sheet1")
> rows <- createRow(sheet, rowIndex=1)
> cell.1 <- createCell(rows, colIndex=1)[[1,1]]
> setCellValue(cell.1, "Hello R!")
> cellStyle1 <- createCellStyle(wb, borderPosition="RIGHT",
+ borderPen="BORDER_DASHED", fillBackgroundColor="yellow",
+ fillForegroundColor="tomato", fillPattern="BIG_SPOTS")
2010-02-15 12:47:54.174 R[33120:613] Apple AWT Java VM was loaded on first 
thread -- can't start AWT.
Error in .jnew("java.awt.Color", rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3]) :
Calls: createCellStyle -> .jcall -> .xssfcolor -> .jnew -> .External
Execution halted

Let me know if there is something on my side that I need to do.  Of 
course, I can \dontrun the example.

Thank you,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 14:41:40 -0800
From: Ralf Tautenhahn <rtautenh at scripps.edu>
To: Adrian Dragulescu <adrian_d at eskimo.com>
Subject: RE: xlsx and binary data

Hi Adrian,

I see that the xlsx build  fails on Mac:

I hope this is only a temporary problem ?


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