[R-SIG-Mac] rattle doesnt rattle

Bunny, lautloscrew.com bunny at lautloscrew.com
Fri Mar 19 11:14:24 CET 2010

Dear all, 

I read about rattle in the most recent issue of the R Journal and wanted to test it. As described in the manual I installed Gtk before, which does work. I know that it works because I used ggobi outside of R which claims to need to same package. Anyway I did install rattle using

install.packages("rattle") which installed the package and several dependencies. 
as well as

and I did restart my console. 

When I wanted to start rattle by typing rattle() to the console it just says: 

Error in .Call(name, ..., PACKAGE = PACKAGE) : 
  C Symbolname "S_gtk_about_dialog_get_type" not in DLL für Paket "RGtk2"

I always thought DLL are for windows? Did I get the wrong version somehow?

Thx in advance for any suggestions !



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