[R-SIG-Mac] lme4 package for Mac not available

Gisela Böhm gisela.boehm at psysp.uib.no
Fri Jun 25 01:33:57 CEST 2010

Dear R-Mac people,

I am using R on a Mac, and would need the lme4 package. I saw on the 
help-list that it has been unavailable for reasons I do not understand. 
Is there  a chance that lme4 will be available soon again for the Mac?

thanks for your help,

Gisela Böhm
Professor of Psychometrics and Research Methods
Faculty of Psychology
University of Bergen
N-5015 Bergen

gisela.boehm at psysp.uib.no
Tel  +47 55 58 86 80
Fax +47 55 58 98 79

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