[R-SIG-Mac] Wandering X11 windows under Snow Leopard.

Don MacQueen macq at llnl.gov
Mon Feb 8 16:34:48 CET 2010

The only suggestion I have, and it's a weak one, would be to try 
starting R from the command line in an xterm window, instead of 
Terminal, and see if it's stable there.

I've used R just a little bit on a Snow Leopard machine and have not 
experienced what you describe -- but I do work entirely within X11, 
not in what I would call a hybrid environment of Terminal plus X 


At 9:53 AM +1300 2/8/10, Rolf Turner wrote:
>I recently upgraded from a fairly ancient Tiger OSX to the latest
>Snow Leopard (10.6.2).
>I've got most of the teething problems settled, but there is one
>really annoying phenomenon that I cannot fathom.
>When I open an X11 window for R graphics, it will ***sometimes***
>refuse to let me move the pointer over the window!!!  I.e. if I
>move the pointer over the window, the window jumps to another
>part of the screen.  If I chase it there, it jumps again.  This
>precludes raising or moving the window.
>The problem is that this is an intermittent fault.  Sometimes it
>will happen, and sometimes it won't.  (Once it starts happening,
>it won't quit, however.)  Makes it very hard to diagnose
>or trace the fault.
>Has anybody else ever encountered anything like this?  Has anyone
>any idea what's causing this phenomenon, or how I could trace it
>down and rectify the problem?
>Grateful for any suggestions.
>	cheers,
>		Rolf Turner
>P. S.  I start R from the command line in a terminal window; I don't
>use the R GUI.
>>  sessionInfo()
>R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14)
>[1] en_NZ.UTF-8/en_NZ.UTF-8/C/C/en_NZ.UTF-8/en_NZ.UTF-8
>attached base packages:
>[1] datasets  utils     stats     graphics  grDevices methods   base    
>other attached packages:
>[1] misc_0.0-12    fortunes_1.3-7 MASS_7.3-4   
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Don MacQueen
Environmental Protection Department
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA, USA

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