[R-SIG-Mac] Unable to install StatET in Mac OS X 10.6.3

Ye Sun ysun at utstat.utoronto.ca
Wed Aug 25 03:53:18 CEST 2010

I have installed R.2.11.1 in My MAC pro (I have also installed rJava 
package).  Now I am having trouble doing configuration for my Eclipse 
(version 3.5) /STATET.

The following is the preference settings

 >> R environment Configuration -> Location (R_HOME): /Library/ 

 >> R Interaction->Connector used to run R Code: "New Console inside 
Eclipse" (or "Classic Console inside Eclipse")

 >> Run Configurations -
 >> Main- Launch type: RJ. 

However, the button "RUN" couldn't be clicked.

Does anybody know how to solve this?


Ye Sun

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