[R-SIG-Mac] RODBC connection MS SQL with Actual driver

Josh London josh.london at noaa.gov
Thu Sep 17 02:56:59 CEST 2009


I am trying to troubleshoot connection issues from RODBC on a mac  
(leopard) to a Microsoft SQL Server using the Actual SQL Server driver.

I have the driver installed and the System DSN is setup and tests  
successfully. I have also successfully connected and downloaded data  
in Excel and via terminal using iodbctest. I can also successfully  
connect to this SQL server from a windows box and using RODBC on a  
windows installation of R.

That said, on the mac, odbcConnect() and odbcDriverConnect() both  
result in a segfault.

I have some theories about what might be happening:

1) there is a conflict between RODBC and the Actual SQL Server driver  
that is causing the crash

2) the domain\user specification is not possible with RODBC and I  
should use a separate SQL Server user authentication

I am continuing to pursue these possibilities on my own and with our  
local IT staff, but thought I would reach out to the r/mac community  
to get further advice or suggestions. If I find an answer, I'll post  
as a response for the archives.

Thanks for any assistance in advance

Below are example details and code

System DSN = my_database
Driver = Actual SQL Server

username = mydomain\me
password = p@$$


  *** caught segfault ***
address 0x0, cause 'memory not mapped'

  1: .Call(C_RODBCDriverConnect, as.character(connection), id,  
as.integer(believeNRows),     as.logical(readOnlyOptimize))
  2: odbcDriverConnect("DSN=my_database;UID=mydomain\\me;PWD=p@$$")
  3: eval(expr, envir, enclos)
  4: eval(expr, p)
  5: eval.parent(Call)
  6: odbcConnect("my_database",uid="mydomain\\me",pwd="p@$$")

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