[R-SIG-Mac] Using R together with S+/R mode of AlphaX/Tk

stefano iacus stefano.iacus at unimi.it
Sun Sep 13 17:32:53 CEST 2009

Thanks we will fix the text

On 12/set/09, at 14:32, Andreas Fischlin wrote:

> Dear Stefano,
> I'd like to bring to your attention that AlphaX can be easily used  
> with R these days again. However, the information offered at
>     http://cran.r-project.org/bin/macosx/RMacOSX-FAQ.html#External-editors
> is quite outdated. Please fix the information offered there under  
> point 6.2 External editors as follows:
> __________________________________
> R accepts the Apple Event command open. This means than an external  
> editor can communicate with R sending portions or entire scripts of  
> R code to execute via files. This is the approach used by the S+/R  
> mode in Alpha X (see http://alphatcl.sourceforge.net/wiki/pmwiki.php/Software/AlphaX) 
> . This mode is quite powerful and supports in a convenient manner  
> the writing and execution of R scripts from within AlphaX. Moreover,  
> the mode is written in Tcl, can therefore be easily extended.
> Which AlphaX to use? It is recommended to use the latest beta  
> development release of AlphaX, since it contains a well working S+/R  
> mode. However, if you prefer to use one of the stable releases of  
> AlphaX (version 8.0.2), you need first to install a small fix for  
> the S+/R mode to interact properly with the current generation of  
> the R software. The fix is available at
> http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/SimSoftware/SimSoftware2.html#S+R_Mode  
> and hints on its use and installation are available at
> http://alphatcl.sourceforge.net/wiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ 
> AlphaXTkAndRInOSX.
> __________________________________
> I have omitted any html code from above text shown between two  
> horizontal separating lines, i.e. I wrote it as it should appear. I  
> hope you can modify the text on the web site accordingly.
> Thanks for your help and cooperation.
> Sincerely yours,
> Andreas Fischlin
> -- 
> ________________________________________________________________________
> ETH Zurich
> Prof. Dr. Andreas Fischlin
> Systems Ecology - Institute of Integrative Biology
> CHN E 21.1
> Universitaetstrasse 16
> 8092 Zurich
> andreas.fischlin at env.ethz.ch
> www.sysecol.ethz.ch
> +41 44 633-6090 phone
> +41 44 633-1136 fax
>              Make it as simple as possible, but distrust it!
> ________________________________________________________________________
> <andreas_fischlin.vcf>

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