[R-SIG-Mac] 64-bit packages and 32-bit R

Richard R. Liu richard.liu at pueo-owl.ch
Mon Oct 26 07:39:23 CET 2009

I'm running R 2.9.2 build 5464 on OS X 10.5.8.  Having encountered  
memory allocation problems, I ran the problematic code in R64, the 64- 
bit version of the same build.  When I attempt to load openNLP I  
receive the error message that the 32-bit version that I had been  
using does not run in R64.

I understand that there is a 64-bit version of openNLP, and that it  
installs in R64 without problems.  I am assuming, however, that  
packages installed by 32-bit R and those installed by 64-bit R land in  
the same place, because I can see the 32-bit packages in the package  
list of 64-bit R. So my question is, when I subsequently switch to R  
(32-bit), will 64-bit versions of packages run there?  I'm trying to  
avoid constantly having to manually switch between 32- and 64-bit  
versions of packages.


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