[R-SIG-Mac] BWidget missing
Paul Roebuck
plroebuck at mdanderson.org
Tue Oct 13 21:39:45 CEST 2009
On Mon, 7 Sep 2009, Denis Chabot wrote:
> I installed all that was available when I installed R 2.9.2, including
> tcltk. However, I got this message upon loading PBSmodelling.
> I had a quick look at what Google found but it seems that I'd have to
> install this from source. Why would this particular part of tcltk need
> to be installed manually while the rest seems to be pre-installed
> (with the OS? by the R installer?).
> [R.app GUI 1.29 (5464) i386-apple-darwin8.11.1]
> > library(PBSmodelling)
> Chargement de Tcl/Tk... terminé
> PBS Modelling 2.21 -- Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Fisheries and Oceans
> Canada
> A complete user guide 'PBSmodelling-UG.pdf' is located at
> /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library/PBSmodelling/doc/
> PBSmodelling-UG.pdf
> Packaged on Sun
> Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> ERROR: PBS Modelling requires the tcl package "BWidget"
> and cannot proceed until it is installed.
> Ubuntu (apt) users can install via the command:
> apt-get install bwidget
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Warning message:
> In tclRequire("BWidget") : Tcl package 'BWidget' not found
> > sessionInfo()
> R version 2.9.2 (2009-08-24)
> i386-apple-darwin8.11.1
[Attempting to set a new record for late responses...]
Here's a script I wrote several years ago for dealing with
various Bioconductor GUIs that needed BWidget and Tktable
(which are Tcl Extension packages). Like browser plug-ins,
they add functionality not included in the base Tcl/Tk.
You will have to modify it to handle SnowLeopard yourself;
I have no access to 10.6 for testing it myself. Runs fine
on Tiger and Leopard for me.
SIGSIG -- signature too long (core dumped)
-------------- next part --------------
### Installs OS X 32-bit X11 Tk extensions (used by various Bioconductor GUIs).
### Creates "$HOME/TkExtensions" folder.
unarchive <- function(what, where) {
unzip <- function(what, where) {
rc <- system(paste("unzip",
path.expand(where)), intern=FALSE)
if (rc) {
warning(sprintf("%s returned non-zero exit code %d",
sQuote("unzip"), rc),
domain=NA, call.=FALSE)
ungztar <- function(what, where) {
rc <- system(paste("tar",
path.expand(where)), intern=FALSE)
if (rc) {
warning(sprintf("%s returned non-zero exit code %d",
sQuote("tar"), rc),
domain=NA, call.=FALSE)
mount <- function(what) {
rc <- system(paste("open",
path.expand(what)), intern=FALSE)
if (rc) {
warning(sprintf("%s returned non-zero exit code %d",
sQuote("open"), rc),
domain=NA, call.=FALSE)
.unarchive <- function(what, where, suffix=c("dmg", "gz", "zip")) {
suffix <- match.arg(suffix)
switch(EXPR = suffix,
"dmg" = mount(what),
"zip" = unzip(what, where),
"gz" = ungztar(what, where))
fnparts <- unlist(strsplit(what, ".", fixed=TRUE))
suffix <- fnparts[length(fnparts)]
.unarchive(what, where, suffix)
download.and.unarchive <- function(url,
shortname=basename(pathname)) {
message(sprintf("downloading %s archive", sQuote(shortname)))
if (download.file(url=url, destfile=pathname) != 0) {
stop(sprintf("download of URL %s failed",
message(sprintf("unarchiving %s extension", sQuote(shortname)))
## in-place install
unarchive(pathname, dirname(pathname))
isMacOSX <- function() {
return(Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin")
isTigerDarwinRelease <- function() {
osRelease <- Sys.info()["release"] ## Darwin release
firstTigerRelease <- "8.0.0" ## Corresponds to Mac OS X 10.4.0
firstLeopardRelease <- "9.0.0" ## Corresponds to Mac OS X 10.5.0
return((compareVersion(osRelease, firstTigerRelease) >= 0) &&
(compareVersion(osRelease, firstLeopardRelease) < 0))
isLeopardDarwinRelease <- function() {
osRelease <- Sys.info()["release"] ## Darwin release
firstLeopardRelease <- "9.0.0" ## Corresponds to Mac OS X 10.5.0
firstSnowLeopardRelease <- "10.0.0" ## Corresponds to Mac OS X 10.6.0
return((compareVersion(osRelease, firstLeopardRelease) >= 0) &&
(compareVersion(osRelease, firstSnowLeopardRelease) < 0))
isSnowLeopardDarwinRelease <- function() {
osRelease <- Sys.info()["release"] ## Darwin release
firstSnowLeopardRelease <- "10.0.0" ## Corresponds to Mac OS X 10.6.0
firstUnnamedRelease <- "11.0.0" ## Corresponds to Mac OS X 10.7.0
return((compareVersion(osRelease, firstSnowLeopardRelease) >= 0) &&
(compareVersion(osRelease, firstUnnamedRelease) < 0))
isTigerRelease <- function() {
osRelease <- system(paste("sw_vers", "-productVersion"), intern=TRUE)
firstTigerRelease <- "10.4.0"
firstLeopardRelease <- "10.5.0"
return((compareVersion(osRelease, firstTigerRelease) >= 0) &&
(compareVersion(osRelease, firstLeopardRelease) < 0))
isLeopardRelease <- function() {
osRelease <- system(paste("sw_vers", "-productVersion"), intern=TRUE)
firstLeopardRelease <- "10.5.0"
firstSnowLeopardRelease <- "10.6.0"
return((compareVersion(osRelease, firstLeopardRelease) >= 0) &&
(compareVersion(osRelease, firstSnowLeopardRelease) < 0))
isSnowLeopardRelease <- function() {
osRelease <- system(paste("sw_vers", "-productVersion"), intern=TRUE)
firstSnowLeopardRelease <- "10.6.0"
firstUnnamedRelease <- "10.7.0"
return((compareVersion(osRelease, firstSnowLeopardRelease) >= 0) &&
(compareVersion(osRelease, firstUnnamedRelease) < 0))
isTigerOrLeopardRelease <- function() {
return(isTigerRelease() || isLeopardRelease())
is.dir <- function(x) {
!is.na(isdir <- file.info(x)$isdir) & isdir
safe.dir.create <- function(path) {
if (!is.dir(path) && !dir.create(path, recursive=TRUE)) {
stop(sprintf("cannot create directory %s", sQuote(path)))
## Ensure platform
if (!isMacOSX()) {
stop("this install script is Mac OS X-specific")
## Ensure release
if (!isTigerOrLeopardRelease()) {
stop("this install script is specific to Mac OS X 10.4.x or 10.5.x")
## Ensure Tcl/Tk installed
test.canloadtcl <- try(require(tcltk), silent=TRUE)
if (!test.canloadtcl) {
warning("Tcl/Tk for X11 not installed on this machine")
repos <- "http://cran.r-project.org"
site.url <- paste(repos, "bin", "macosx", "tools", sep="/")
## Universal build for X11 (32-bit & 64-bit)
## Required for R-2.8.x or higher
TclTkDiskImage.filename <- "tcltk-8.5.5-x11.dmg" ## As of 2009/10/08
TclTkDiskImage.pathname <- file.path(tempdir(), TclTkDiskImage.filename)
TclTkDiskImage.url <- paste(site.url, TclTkDiskImage.filename, sep="/")
message("downloading disk image with required software components")
if (download.file(url=TclTkDiskImage.url,
destfile=TclTkDiskImage.pathname) != 0) {
stop(sprintf("download of URL %s failed",
installer <- file.path("", "Volumes", "TclTk", "tcltk.pkg")
## wait for OS to mount the disk image
message("waiting for disk image to be mounted... ", appendLF=FALSE)
while (!file.exists(installer)) {
message("running the installer on the mounted disk image")
system(paste("open", installer), intern=FALSE)
## Ensure directory
tkextdir <- file.path(path.expand("~"), "TkExtensions")
if (!file.exists(tkextdir)) {
message("creating personal Tk extensions directory")
} else if (!is.dir(tkextdir)) {
stop(sprintf("%s is not a directory", sQuote(tkextdir)))
## Download and install
BWidget.version <- "1.9.0"
BWidget.site.url <- paste("http://downloads.sourceforge.net",
BWidgetArchive.filename <- sprintf("BWidget-%s.zip", BWidget.version)
BWidgetArchive.pathname <- file.path(tkextdir, BWidgetArchive.filename)
BWidget.url <- paste(BWidget.site.url, BWidgetArchive.filename, sep="/")
## :NOTE: Tktable-2.10 available as source archive, no binary archive...
TktableArchive.filename <- if (length(grep("ppc", .Platform$r_arch))) {
} else {
Tktable.site.url <- paste("http://bioinf.wehi.edu.au", "affylmGUI", sep="/")
TktableArchive.pathname <- file.path(tkextdir, TktableArchive.filename)
Tktable.url <- paste(Tktable.site.url, TktableArchive.filename, sep="/")
download.and.unarchive(BWidget.url, BWidgetArchive.pathname, "BWidget")
download.and.unarchive(Tktable.url, TktableArchive.pathname, "Tktable")
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