[R-SIG-Mac] *** caught bus error *** address 0x114382544, cause 'non-existent physical address'

Richard R. Liu richard.liu at pueo-owl.ch
Wed Nov 18 20:39:26 CET 2009

I am experiencing a curious error running R64 (2009-11-18 r50482) on a  
MacBook Pro 17" Unibody early 2009 with 8GB RAM.  In the console  
excerpt below sentences.1000.clustered is a dataframe consisting of  
two vectors, sent and cluster.  sent is a vector of 1000 sentences  
chosen at random from over 3 million, and cluster is a vector of  
integers denoting to which of 5 clusters the sentence belongs.  For  
each cluster I want to display the sentences that belong to it as  

R version 2.10.0 Patched (2009-11-18 r50482)
Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
ISBN 3-900051-07-0

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Type 'q()' to quit R.

[R.app GUI 1.30 (5521) x86_64-apple-darwin9.8.0]

[Workspace restored from /Users/richard/.RData]

 > library(filehash)
filehash: Simple key-value database (2.0-1 2008-12-19)
 > db <- dbInit("/Volumes/Work on RDR Test Documents/R Databases/ 
DB_TXT", type = "RDS")
 > dbLoad(db)
 > sent.clust <- sentences.1000.clustered
 > i.clust.2 <- which(sent.clust$cluster == 2)
 > attributes(sent.clust)
[1] "sent"    "cluster"

    [1]    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12    
13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26    
27   28   29
  [987]  987  988  989  990  991  992  993  994  995  996  997  998   
999 1000

[1] "data.frame"

 > i.clust.2 <- which(sent.clust$cluster == 2)
 > nchar(sent.clust$sent[i.clust.2])
   [1]   232   419   787  1010  1926   357  2865   657   560   213   
2175  2363  1300   359   331   965   581   732   398   245  1650  
25893  1289   510
  [25]  1714   524   747  2378   465   651  2253   215   460   253   
2475   554  1130   529   261  1413   418  2168  1569  1538   301   
2506  1163  3036
  [49]  1445   199  1231   370  1307   371   379   232  1297   500    
409   481  2187   314   730  1634   971   860   362   506  1606    
394   145   480
  [73]  1582  1471  1269   308  1113   444   990   298  1644   445    
357  1204   322   638  2182   805  1545   368  1461  1347   649   399   
1094  1624
  [97] 14605  1637   269   503   502  2145  1398   481   122  2248
 > sent.clust$sent[i.clust.2]
   [1] "(patient continuing ...)  
  Investigator text for Adverse Events encoded using MedDRA version  
11.0. "
  *** caught bus error ***
address 0x114382544, cause 'non-existent physical address'

Possible actions:
1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
2: normal R exit
3: exit R without saving workspace
4: exit R saving workspace

The point of

 > i.clust.2 <- which(sent.clust$cluster == 2)
 > nchar(sent.clust$sent[i.clust.2])

is to try to isolate the problem.  Indeed, the more compact sent.clust 
$sent[which(sent.clust$cluster == 2)] work when I start R in 32-bit  
mode.  In 64-bit mode, attempting to display the sentences in cluster  
5 also fails, whereas for clusters 1, 3, 4 it succeeds.  In 32-bit  
mode, I have experienced no such problem.

Does anybody have any ideas about what is wrong?


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