[R-SIG-Mac] Install R package on mac

Roland Kaiser roland.kaiser at sbg.ac.at
Tue Mar 10 16:18:01 CET 2009


The wisp package doesn‘t contain source code that has to be complied
for a specific platform. There is no src directory in the package.
It just consist of native R code. Installation in this case is  
straight forward.

Unzip the file on the desktop and invoke the following line in terminal:

R CMD INSTALL ~/Desktop/wisp/ -l ~/Library/R/2.8/library

the -l flag specifies your user library. Note, installing in a user
directory is the recommend way. Otherwise the package is installed
into /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library, the default
library path.


> Worked for me as well. To find your library directory, just open R and
> type ".libPaths()". For me, it's
>> .libPaths()
> [1] "/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/library"
> As Kjell noted, I just unzipped the binary in the latter directory.
> Then library(wisp) worked just fine.
> HTH,
> --sudar
> On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 7:13 AM, Kjell Konis <kjell.konis at epfl.ch>  
> wrote:
>> I think installing a Windows binary package on Mac (or any other  
>> operating
>> system) is probably not officially supported - so the package  
>> manager is not
>> going to be too helpful here. In this case you're lucky though -  
>> WiSP does
>> not contain any native code.  All you need to do is unpack the
>> wisp_1.2.6.zip archive (which OS X is apparently doing for you  
>> already) and
>> put the wisp folder in your R library using the Finder. Worked for me
>> anyway. Also, you should probably email the package authors and  
>> ask them to
>> provide a source version of the package as well.
>> HTH,
>> Kjell
>> On 10 mars 09, at 14:57, Philippe Bouchet wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I apologize in advance if this question has already been asked  
>>> but I have
>>> not been able to find any helpful piece of information on the web
>>> regarding
>>> my problem.
>>> I need to run a package for wildlife population assessment called  
>>> WiSP.
>>> The package is available for download from the web and comes in  
>>> a .zip
>>> format.
>>> Not only does the archive automatically unzips itself after the  
>>> download
>>> but
>>> I can't seem to grasp how to install such packages using the package
>>> manager.
>>> I am usually fairly good with computers, but have to admit that I  
>>> don't
>>> understand all the options offered by the package manager.
>>>> From what I have read online, it seems that I need to convert this
>>>> windows
>>> binary package to a universal .tar.gz file, yet all the  
>>> documentation I
>>> found is too complicated for me.
>>> Could anyone explain to me what the simplest way of doing that is  
>>> or give
>>> me
>>> some hints on how to go about solving this issue ?
>>> Thanks so much in advance for you help,
>>> Phil
>>>        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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