[R-SIG-Mac] Web hosting with R in North America?

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Thu Sep 4 16:12:10 CEST 2008

On Sep 4, 2008, at 6:16 , Corinna Cohn wrote:

> I'm looking for an ISP or web hosting company in North America with  
> experience hosting web applications using R on the back end for  
> statistical analysis. Does anyone have experience with such a place?

[This is OT, so please follow up via PM] Well, I have the experience  
with that you're describing, but I don't know directly of any company  
that would offer such service. I'm using regular hosting ISPs to host  
my servers and manage them myself. Technically, this is not really an  
ISP issue.
It is a quite delicate business, though, because you must prevent  
injection of malicious code that might compromise the server and the  
commonly suggested approaches just don't work due to the fact that you  
can compute on the language in R. It works well in applications where  
you control the code base (e.g. our FastRWeb approach), but I would be  
very cautious about any system that allows user input that is  
evaluated at some point.
I hope it is moderately useful..


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