[R-SIG-Mac] Error scan update to question

Don MacQueen macq at llnl.gov
Fri May 16 18:39:05 CEST 2008

It looks to me like Ken is correct.

I you read the help page for specify.model(), it says that when no 
input file is specified (as here), then input comes from the 
"standard input stream" (i.e., the keyboard) and is terminated by a 
blank line.

There is no blank line after input line #37

>>36: sodium <-> sodium, th16, NA
>>37: satfat <-> satfat, th17, NA
>>38: sem.model.KerryQ3 <- sem(model.KerryQ3, KerryQ3cov, 2123)
>>38: summary (sem.model.KerryQ3)

David, did you really type in all those lines of the form
    f1 ->
    f2 ->
and so on???

I'd have at least put them in a file, and then given the file name to 
specify.model() !


At 7:19 AM +1000 5/16/08, Ken Beath wrote:
>The problem is that specify.model() is not terminating its input and 
>so is reading R commands, see line 38. I have only looked at sem, 
>but maybe a blank line will work.
>On 16/05/2008, at 6:15 AM, David Kaplan wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I was asked to provide a bit more information.  Here is the output 
>>to the problem.  Note that I changed the data format to 
>>tab-delimited and also used read.table, but to no avail.  The 
>>problem is exactly the same when I use .csv data and read.csv.  The 
>>program I'm using is John Fox's SEM program within R for Mac.   The 
>>2123 is the sample size and there are no missing data values, or 
>>any other peculiarities as far as I can see.  The data are clean.
>>>  ## CFA for Kerry Data Set, Question 3
>>>  ## load the sem package
>>>  KerryQ3 <- read.table("~/Desktop/KerryQ3a.txt", header=TRUE)
>>>  KerryQ3cov <- cov(KerryQ3)
>>>  model.KerryQ3 <- specify.model()
>>1: f1 -> calcm, lam11, NA
>>2: f1 -> phytoc, lam21, NA    3: f1 -> soypro, lam31, NA
>>4: f1 -> antiox, lam41, NA
>>5: f1 -> fiber, lam51, NA
>>6: f1 -> vitmin, lam61, NA
>>7: f1 -> protn, lam71, NA
>>8: f1 -> monoft, lam81, NA
>>9: f1 -> omega3, lam91, NA
>>10: f2 -> chol, lam102, NA
>>11: f2 -> fat, lam112, NA
>>12: f2 -> sugar, lam122, NA
>>13: f2 -> calor, lam132, NA
>>14: f2 -> recarb, lam142, NA
>>15: f2 -> trnsft, lam152, NA
>>16: f2 -> sodium, lam162, NA
>>17: f2 -> satfat, lam172, NA
>>18: f1 <-> f1, NA, 1
>>19: f2 <-> f2, NA, 1
>>20: f1 <-> f2, ph21, NA
>>21: calcm <-> calcm, th1, NA
>>22: phytoc <-> phytoc, th2, NA
>>23: soypro <-> soypro, th3, NA
>>24: antiox <-> antiox, th4, NA
>>25: fiber <-> fiber, th5, NA
>>26: vitmin <-> vitmin, th6, NA
>>27: protn <-> protn, th7, NA
>>28: monoft <-> monoft, th8, NA
>>29: omega3 <-> omega3, th9, NA
>>30: chol <-> chol, th10, NA
>>31: fat <-> fat, th11, NA
>>32: sugar <-> sugar, th12, NA
>>33: calor <-> calor, th13, NA
>>34: recarb <-> recarb, th14, NA
>>35: trnsft <-> trnsft, th15, NA
>>36: sodium <-> sodium, th16, NA
>>37: satfat <-> satfat, th17, NA
>>38: sem.model.KerryQ3 <- sem(model.KerryQ3, KerryQ3cov, 2123)
>>38: summary (sem.model.KerryQ3)
>>Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,  :
>>scan() expected 'a real', got '2123)'
>>>  std.KerryQ3 <- standardized.coefficients(sem.model.KerryQ3)
>>Error in standardized.coefficients(sem.model.KerryQ3) :
>>object "sem.model.KerryQ3" not found
>>David Kaplan, Ph.D.
>>Department of Educational Psychology
>>University of Wisconsin - Madison
>>Educational Sciences, Room, 1061
>>1025 W. Johnson Street
>>Madison, WI 53706
>>email: dkaplan at education dot wisc dot edu
>>Phone: 608-262-0836
>>R-SIG-Mac mailing list
>>R-SIG-Mac at stat.math.ethz.ch
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Don MacQueen
Environmental Protection Department
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA, USA

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