[R-SIG-Mac] 2.7.0 for 64-bit running Leopard

Michael Braun braunm at MIT.EDU
Wed May 7 22:25:32 CEST 2008

Is it possible to get some clarification regarding what is considered  
a "release" configuration of R and what is considered "experimental?"   
I would like to run a 64-bit build of R 2.7.0 on an x86_64 Mac Pro  
with 18GB of RAM running Leopard (10.5.2).  When I install the  
precompiled "universal" binary, it appears that I am getting a 32-bit  
build (I think this because I cannot allocate objects of size >3GB and  
because .Platform$r_arch="i386").  I checked out the  
r.research.att.com site, but I am hesitant to install an  
"experimental" build.  Also, I tried compiling R myself, but ran into  
a large number of issues (including not passing make check, which I  
now see is addressed in the FAQ).

So my question is, once 10.5.3 is released, should the binary I  
download from CRAN install a 64-bit version of R?  Will I need to  
compile from source?  Or am I still too far ahead of the curve?



Michael Braun
Assistant Professor of Management Science (Marketing Group)
MIT Sloan School of Management
One Amherst St., E40-169
Cambridge, MA 02142
braunm at mit.edu

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