[R-SIG-Mac] upgrade to 2.6 removes 2.5?

William Revelle lists at revelle.net
Fri Mar 21 04:57:14 CET 2008

>I just upgraded from R2.5 to R2.6.2 .  When I went to use the 2.6 
>package installer "Select packages from..." function (i.e. clicking 
>on the magnifying glass) I found that 2.5 was not listed.  A little 
>poking around revealed that my 2.5 installation was gone 
>(/Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/2.5  no longer exista). 
>It was there the last time my "locate" database was updated, and I 
>used 2.5 this morning.  Has anybody else seen this?


R for Mac FAQ  1.4 says
"Mac OS X also keeps an installation receipt if an application was 
installed using the Apple Installer. These receipts are usually kept 
in /Library/Receipts and Apple's Installer decides based on the 
receipt whether a program will be installed or upgraded. If you do 
not want to perform an upgrade (e.g. if you want to keep multiple R 
versions in parallel), you will have to remove the corresponding 
receipt(s). Depending on the OS X version rm -rf 
/Library/Receipts/R-* may work. The exact details are 
system-dependent, please see the corrensponding documentation by 

What this means is that if you want to use the previous packages, you 
need to go to the Library/Receipts and drag the  R (something) 
receipt to the trash. In this case, you will get a new installation 
but your old one is still there.  In particular, the old libraries 
are there and can be dragged to the new installation.

A useful add on is to download the  Rswitch GUI from the development 
Mac page at http://r.research.att.com/.  Then, when you download a 
new version (after trashing the receipt to make sure that you keep 
the old version) you can choose which version to use.


>Julin Maloof
>Assistant Professor
>Section of Plant Biology
>University of California, Davis
>1 Shields Ave
>Davis, CA, 95616
>voice: (530) 752-8077
>fax:   (530) 752-5410
>R-SIG-Mac mailing list
>R-SIG-Mac at stat.math.ethz.ch

William Revelle		http://personality-project.org/revelle.html
Professor			http://personality-project.org/personality.html
Department of Psychology             http://www.wcas.northwestern.edu/psych/
Northwestern University	http://www.northwestern.edu/
Use R for statistics:                          http://personality-project.org/r

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