[R-SIG-Mac] quartz to pdf

Angel Berihuete Macías angel at alfomega.es
Thu Jun 19 20:25:47 CEST 2008

Hello Carl, thanks for your answer.

Please, can you expecify MacOs and R versions?

Angel Berihuete
El 18/06/2008, a las 22:55, Carl Witthoft escribió:

> No problems here w/ a few test images.
>> I work with version 2.7.1 RC (2008-06-15 r45927). When I save as   
>> Rplot.pdf a quartz() device generated with image() function, still   
>> appears gray rectangles over the image ( the image in the quartz()   
>> device is all right! )
>> What I am doing wrong?
>> Thanks
>> ?ngel Berihuete.
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