[R-SIG-Mac] aqualess

Jan de Leeuw deleeuw at stat.ucla.edu
Sun Aug 17 19:49:23 CEST 2008

If, for whatever reason, you are a CLI addict and insist on running R  
Terminal.app, then a major nuisance is that ? and ?? write to the same
terminal window. This can be helped by installing AquaLess from
http://aqualess.sourceforge.net/ and setting options(pager="aless")
in R. This allows you to browse R objects by page() as well.

You can also use aless to pipe man output if you export PAGER=aless
in bash.

Aqualess did not work properly in Leopard/Tiger for about 2 years,
but version 1.6 seems to be fine. Of course R.app gives you the
multiple windows and much more.

Jan de Leeuw, 11667 Steinhoff Rd, Frazier Park, CA 93225
home 661-245-1725 skype 661-347-0667 global 254-381-4905
.mac: jdeleeuw +++  aim: deleeuwjan +++ skype: j_deleeuw
                 Many nights on the road
        and not dead yet ---
                the end of autumn.       (Basho 1644-1694)

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