[R-SIG-Mac] .Rhistory

Rob Goedman goedman at mac.com
Sun Aug 10 17:34:09 CEST 2008


Which version of R.app, R and OSX are you running.

Do other preferences work fine? Can you change them?


On Aug 10, 2008, at 7:57 AM, rostam shahname wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using R.app in Mac. When I go to the R->preferences->start up  
> menu ,
> there is a section for history. I can specify the path to .Rhistory  
> file. I
> check the option "Read history file on start up". But when I restart  
> my
> R.app I lose the previous commands, in fact nothing is written  
> in .Rhistory
> file.
> If I use the history tab then I can save the history on a file and  
> reload it
> again when I restart the R application.
> I wonder if it is possible that all the commands be  stored in  
> the .Rhistory
> file automatically.
> The other problem is if I go to R->preferences->start up and set a  
> path for
> .Rhistory, after restarting the application the path is lost and it  
> is set
> to .Rhistory again.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Rostam
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