[R-SIG-Mac] Slow Drawing Fix - is there now a different problem?

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Wed Apr 30 15:25:40 CEST 2008

On Apr 30, 2008, at 2:59 AM, Bryan Hanson wrote:

> Hey Folks, I’m rather tired tonight, but I think I’m really seeing  
> what I’m about to report. I was working on some plots (on the Quartz  
> device), and ran into what seemed to be discontinuities in what  
> should have been nice smooth plots.  Then, I tried the following:
>> plot(c(1:100), c(1:100)) # plot of individual points looks OK
>> plot(c(1:100), c(1:100), type = "l") # produces a line with breaks/ 
>> gaps
>> plot(c(1:100), c(1:100), type = "l", lty = 3) # dotted line with  
>> breaks/gaps
> If instead I direct this to a pdf file with, e.g.,
>> pdf("test.pdf")
>> plot(c(1:100), c(1:100), type = "l", lty = 3)
>> dev.off()
> There are no gaps in the "line".
> Am I just too tired to see what's going on here, or was a new problem
> introduced along with the fix for the slow drawing problem in the  
> patched R
> 2.7.0?

Mea culpa, indeed, it was introduced by the fix (it was plotting only  
half the segments in each batch - blame Apple's documentation on  
that... :P). I have fixed that now (use SVN or wait for tonight's  


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