[R-SIG-Mac] editor glyph generation of brackets

Roland Kaiser roland.kaiser at sbg.ac.at
Wed Oct 3 11:14:46 CEST 2007

Hi all!

I regularly get errors when automatic glyph generation
for brackets is performed by the editor.

I don't know what could be the trigger,
as the error arises unpredictably during editing the script
when inserting [], () or {}.

Normal behaviour is restored when reopening the file,
but the errors are likely to come up again.

I'm irritated since a long time
and so I will appreciate any advice.

I know that using another editor will cure the problem,
but I really like the built-in one!



2007-10-03 10:51:17.384 R[342] Exception raised during posting of  
notification.  Ignored.  exception: -[NSLayoutManager  
_fillGlyphHoleAtIndex:desiredNumberOfCharacters:] *** attempted glyph  
generation while textStorage is editing.  It is not valid to cause  
the layoutManager to do glyph generation while the textStorage is  
editing (ie the textStorage has been sent a beginEditing message  
without a matching endEditing.)

I use a German keyboard layout,
if this is of relevance.

R version 2.5.0 (2007-04-23)


attached base packages:
[1] "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets"
[6] "methods"   "base"

other attached packages:
    ellipse PBSmapping      Hmisc      vegan     labdsv      akima
    "0.3-4"     "2.09"    "3.4-2"    "1.8-5"    "1.2-2"    "0.5-1"
       MASS       mgcv    lattice
   "7.2-33"   "1.3-23"   "0.15-4"

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