[R-SIG-Mac] GNU Fortran 4.2, Apple build for Leopard

Bill Northcott w.northcott at unsw.edu.au
Mon Nov 26 07:07:09 CET 2007

On 19/11/2007, at 10:00 PM, Simon Urbanek wrote:
> For those interested, you can get GNU Fortran 4.2.1 (Apple build
> 5531) for Mac OS X 10.5 here:
> http://r.research.att.com/gfortran-42.pkg
> This build will add Fortran capability to Apple's gcc 4.2 compilers.
> This is a real Apple-build of GNU Fortran based on Apple's gcc 4.2
> (build 5531) and GNU Fortran sources from the gcc 4.2.2 release (with
> minor tweaks to make them to live together). The above package just
> adds the Fortran files, so you must have Apple's gcc-4.2 already
> installed.

I may be being terribly thick, but where can I get a binary of Apple's  
gcc-4.2 for Leopard.  I have searched ADC and cannot find it anywhere   
The gcc-4.2-5513 source is on the Darwin source code site but where is  
the binary??

Bill Northcott

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