[R-SIG-Mac] Installing R from .pkg on Leopard

Jordan Thomson jordanthomson at sympatico.ca
Thu Nov 15 16:57:50 CET 2007

I was hoping for a little help on an issue I've encountered on the new  
operating system.  I have been unable to get all the way through the  
installer app.  It seems to function (although there are a few  
oddities with clicking the "continue button") all the way through to  
the installation type section.  Here the package names, their  
respective check boxes and the intdall button are greyed out.  This  
can be subverted by pressing "go back" and "continue" again.  This  
allows the Install button to be pressed. But upon pressing, a drop  
down warning pops up saying that a more recent version of the software  
is already present.

Any help you could offer on getting the software to work would be  
greatly appreciated,

Thanks for your time,

Jordan Thomson

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