[R-SIG-Mac] problem installing R-2.5.0 on Mac (Vivek Menon)

D G Rossiter rossiter at itc.nl
Mon Jun 25 13:12:18 CEST 2007

Dear Vivekm

Is there a reason you are installing from source rather than a pre- 
compiled binary? Just download the .dmg and off you go.

Another issue, if you are compiling from source, is that you need the  
latest xCode tools. I had problems compiling rgdal from source (there  
is no binary for this package); I downloaded the new xCode (93Mb!!)  
and then everything worked smoothly.


D. G. Rossiter (罗大卫)
Senior University Lecturer
Department of Earth Systems Analysis
International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth  
Observation (ITC)
Hengelosestraat 99
PO Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, The Netherlands
Phone:	+31-(0)53 4874 499
Fax:	+31-(0)53 4874 336
mailto:rossiter at itc.nl,  Internet: http://www.itc.nl/personal/rossiter

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