[R-SIG-Mac] how can i install: glib/gtk 1.2.10

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Sat Sep 2 00:33:22 CEST 2006

On Aug 31, 2006, at 11:50 AM, massimodisasha wrote:

> hi,
> at :
> http://r.research.att.com/
>   i've download :
> glib/gtk 1.2.10 (w/patches)
> glibgtk-1.2.10-univ.tar.gz
> but i do not know how can i install it :-(

I have updated the page with explicit installation instructions. I  
have also updated the package itself to contain pkg-config and libpng  
for convenience, so please re-visit
and let me know if everything works as advertized.

Let me repeat that you need the above only if you plan to compile Gtk- 
based things from sources - you do *not* need it if you are just  
using Gtk-based R packages.

In response to the other follow-ups: the above tar-ball is the  
*binary* so you don't need to compile it from sources - that's the  
whole point. It is non-trivial to compile glib/gtk, because the  
official sources are way old and contain several bugs that have only  
been fixed in patches that float around the web. The above binary  
contains the patches (mostly the same as in darwinports) in addition  
to modifications that allow universal compilation. Also it was  
compiled using the gcc 4.0.3 compiler that is used by R as opposed to  
using Apple's gcc.

I'm still waiting for someone to provide a similar package for glib2 ;).


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