[R-SIG-Mac] R.app Help window problem with mouse click on PDF

Rob J Goedman goedman at mac.com
Fri Oct 13 17:08:06 CEST 2006

Hi Steven & Joerg,

Just was able to reproduce the behavior.

I'll have a look.


On Oct 13, 2006, at 3:41 AM, Jörg Beyer wrote:

> Steven,
> I can confirm this problem for
>   Mac OS X 10.4.6
>   R 2.2.1
>   Adobe Reader 7.0.8
> (I searched the help files and found some valid pdf-links to test  
> -- the one
> you mentioned is not part of R 2.2.1.)
> It would be interesting to see if this behavior is related to a  
> specific
> Adobe Reader version. Anyone?
> Cheers,
> Joerg
>> Apple Mac OS X 10.4.8
>> R.app Version 2.4.0 GUI 1.17 (3868)
>> If I invoke a help window containing a URL to a PDF,
>> and I click on the hyperlink to the PDF, I get a
>> "Choose application" dialog window.  After dismissing
>> the window, the R help window disappears and I see
>> the following error output in the R.app GUI command line
>> window (see below).
>> Anyone else noticing this behaviour?
>> Reproduce:
>> Start R.app
>> Enter help command
>>> help("Methods", package = "methods")
>> Click on the PDF hyperlink at the bottom of the help page
>>   http://developer.r-project.org/howMethodsWork.pdf
>> (The hyperlink does work when I copy and paste it to a
>>  browser.)
>> If I then reinvoke help
>>> help("Methods", package = "methods")
>> and click on the hyperlink, the help window goes
>> blank but no "Choose Application" dialog appears,
>> no error message in the console.
> ============================================================
> Joerg Beyer
> PHILIPPS-University Marburg
> Dept. of Psychology
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