[R-SIG-Mac] (no subject)

Rob J Goedman goedman at mac.com
Thu Jan 5 17:29:33 CET 2006

Thanks Jan. The syntax coloring you forwarded works fine in Smultron.
Does Smultron support rectangular selections?

Last year I used Smultron quite a bit to test with external editors  
in R.app
and indeed found it a really nice editor.  And it also worked fine with
AppleScript (to submit a selection or the entire source file to R).  The
sourceforge version has added several neat features!

At some point I integrated the Smultron source into R.app to see how
difficult that would be. A simple test turned out fairly easy, but  
that idea in favor of the current setup in R.app (everybody can pick  
own favorite editor and open/quit of R and editor are decoupled).

Tried to make Smultron multiple window (like the R.app internal  
editor and
SubEthaEdit, a request which at that time had been turned down by
Peter). Would indeed require a lot of work (if at all possible). The
only other minor feature I find surprising is the difference between
Command-Q and clicking the window close button.

After your emails I downloaded the latest version and Smultron  
is a nice editor and the project feature works well/is useful.


On Jan 4, 2006, at 8:51 AM, Jan de Leeuw wrote:

> There was a recent thread on Mac text editors. I don't remember
> seeing smultron (smultron.sourceforge.net) -- which is pure
> cocoa, is thus very macosx, has rectangular selection, has line  
> numbers,
> projects, a toolbar, a drawer for snippets, show invisibles, html
> preview, html help, dotmac synchronization, parantheses matching,
> regular expression
> and multi-document search. It can serve as an external editor for FTP
> and
> TeX programs and has a command-line version. It's freeware and an  
> active
> sourceforge project. If you don't like X11 and Swing and are  
> starting to
> dislike the usual Carbon look more and more, this is a good choice.
> It has syntax coloring for about 25 languages (not for R/S), but  
> syntax
> coloring is easy to add as a plist to the application bundle.
> ===
> Jan de Leeuw; Distinguished Professor and Chair, UCLA Department of
> Statistics;
> Editor: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Statistical
> Software
> US mail: 8125 Math Sciences Bldg, Box 951554, Los Angeles, CA  
> 90095-1554
> phone (310)-825-9550;  fax (310)-206-5658;  email:  
> deleeuw at stat.ucla.edu
> .mac: jdeleeuw ++++++  aim: deleeuwjan ++++++ skype: j_deleeuw
> homepages: http://gifi.stat.ucla.edu ++++++ http://www.cuddyvalley.org
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
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