[R-SIG-Mac] smultron plists

Jan de Leeuw deleeuw at stat.ucla.edu
Thu Jan 5 04:47:18 CET 2006

Some people had problems downloading the Smultron plists. I have  
greatly extended
r.plist in the meantime and I have wrapped the two in a zip file at


Unzip in the Resources directory of the Smultron application bundle.  
I have just
included the keywords and function that I tend to use most.

Jan de Leeuw; Distinguished Professor and Chair, UCLA Department of  
Editor: Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of Statistical  
US mail: 8125 Math Sciences Bldg, Box 951554, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1554
phone (310)-825-9550;  fax (310)-206-5658;  email: deleeuw at stat.ucla.edu
.mac: jdeleeuw ++++++  aim: deleeuwjan ++++++ skype: j_deleeuw
homepages: http://gifi.stat.ucla.edu ++++++ http://www.cuddyvalley.org
           No matter where you go, there you are. --- Buckaroo Banzai

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