[R-SIG-Mac] Help with R on a Mac

Vincent Vu vqv at stat.berkeley.edu
Sun Apr 16 04:34:46 CEST 2006

> 2) Now you need to install Emacs. There are various versions. I use
> "Carbon" Emacs which is a version of Emacs for Mac which is Unix-like
> in its behaviour. There is also AquaEmacs (google it) which is more

I think Kasper means Aquamacs Emacs.  It comes with ESS as well.


I would recommend Aquamacs over Carbon emacs.  It is the easy to use  
and the developers have gone out of their way to ensure that the user  
experience is consistent with Mac OS X.  It's a better OS X citizen  
than Carbon Emacs.

To get ESS working on Aquamacs you need to first load the ess package  
with the command:

M-x R-mode (Alt/Option + X, then type R-mode and press enter) will  
start ESS

then M-x R (Alt/Option + X, then type R and press enter) will start R  
inside an emacs buffer.

You'll need to have Darwin X11 running to get proper graphics  
working.  As far as I have experienced with Aquamacs, you don't need  
to play with any configuration files to get it work.

You could also get limited graphics without X11, by using the quartz 
() device.  Due to the way R and Emacs interact, you won't be able to  
interact with these plots.


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