[R-SIG-Mac] Memory error

Ken Beath kjbeath at kagi.com
Tue Nov 29 13:06:42 CET 2005

I don't think this should give a memory problem. Maybe trying with a  
simpler model or cutting down the dataset will show that something is  
going wrong, by giving strange results instead of the error. Also try  
creating a  column lfood and using that instead of log(food).

By being specific to macs, does that mean the code runs properly  
under Windows or other ?


On 29/11/2005, at 10:00 PM, r-sig-mac-request at stat.math.ethz.ch wrote:

> Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 08:27:27 -0500
> From: Alan Olav Bergland <Alan_Bergland at brown.edu>
> Subject: Re: [R-SIG-Mac] Memory error
> To: stefano iacus <jago at mclink.it>
> Cc: r-sig-mac at stat.math.ethz.ch
> Message-ID: <BCFF16DB-43E8-424E-9208-16D738C9BE33 at brown.edu>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed
> The data set is fairly big.
> Again, the model I was trying to run was:
> lme(ovn~tlc+geno+log(food), clinal, random=~tlc+geno+log(food)|block/
> lat)
> where,
> "ovn" is a continuous, normal (length=999)
> "tlc" is continuous, normal, definitely random
> "food" could either be a factor with 6 levels or a numerical variable
> (making it log(food) makes a more even distribution).  Even though it
> is an experimental treatment, I would like to treat it as random
> because I am interested in the slope and its interaction with the
> "geno" variable (although, note, there are no interactions in the
> model above, as putting them in at this point would cause even more
> problems)
> "geno" is genotype, 12 total, 4 from each "lat."  "geno" should
> really be treated as random too, because they are random draws from
> all genotypes in a population
> "lat" is latitude, 3 total.  Right now I'm treating it as fixed.
> "block" is equivalent to replicate, 2 total.
> The experimental design was the following:
> 12 genotypes, from 3 latitudes, reared under 6 conditions, replicated
> twice with ~15-20 individuals measured from each geno x food x block
> interaction.  Because individuals from each g x f x b were reared in
> the same rearing chamber, they are not independent thus some grouping
> structure is necessary.
> I appreciate your curiosity on this problem.  I know, however, that
> this forum is not the place to hack out statistical questions, but
> this memory thing seemed specific to Macs.
> Cheers,
> Alan

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