[R-SIG-Mac] BWidget and Tktable (was R Issues)

Rob J Goedman goedman at mac.com
Thu Nov 3 22:43:03 CET 2005

Thanks very much Jan!

Seems to work fine on my system. I used the 1st route.


On Nov 3, 2005, at 12:33 PM, Jan de Leeuw wrote:

> 1. download the extensions
> http://internap.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/tcllib/
> BWidget-1.7.0.tar.gz
> http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/tktable/ 
> Tktable2.9.tar.gz
> 2. tar zxvf these files to create directories
> 3. move BWidget, which is pure Tcl, to /usr/local/lib
> 4. in the Tktable folder do "configure", then "make", then "sudo make
> install"
> This assumes you have tclConfig.sh in /usr/local/lib and it assume
> you have the development tools installed.
> If this is too complicated, get
> http://www.cuddyvalley.org/Tktable2.9.zip
> http://www.cuddyvalley.org/BWidget-1.7.0.zip
> and try to unzip them in /usr/local/lib.
> Check if you have /usr/local/bin/tclsh (or tclsh8.5 or something like
> that).
> Run this from the terminal, then say "package require Tktable". This
> should
> open an X11 Tk window and tell you the package loads.
> Similarly, if you say /usr/bin/tclsh and then "package requite
> Tktable" this
> should open an Aqua Tk window (that's the pre-installed Tcl/Tk).

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