[R-SIG-Mac] R 2.1.1 for optimized for G5+Tiger

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Thu Jun 23 16:02:34 CEST 2005


On Jun 23, 2005, at 9:19 AM, Thomas Adams wrote:

> Is there any advantage for G4 Mac R users to use this release, or  
> should it be avoided?

In theory it should not work on a G4 at all, because it may be using  
instructions that are supported only by the G5 CPUs. This optimized  
release is meant for G5 only.
In practice I didn't check it on a G4, so I don't know, but at any  
rate G4 users are better off using a G4 optimized version. I didn't  
bother compiling such a beast, because whoever needs high performance  
probably has (or should get) G5 anyway ;). The difference between G4  
and G5 is huge (more than twice as fast on similar clock speed - I  
remember posting some rough timings here). At this point I should  
probably mention that Tiger's vecLib is much more reliable and faster  
that Panther's so the upgrade is almost a must for heavy computing  
applications (if you're reluctant to upgrade completely (i.e. you  
install both on a machine), you can actually use Tiger's vecLib in  
Panther with some minor tweaks ...).


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