[R-SIG-Mac] crash when DVD in laptop

Simon Urbanek simon.urbanek at r-project.org
Wed Jul 27 22:43:13 CEST 2005


On Jul 27, 2005, at 12:33 PM, Tony Long wrote:

>     My version of R crashes upon start-up if there is a DVD in my
> laptop.  The DVD does not have to be playing.  This problem seems
> quite reproducible.

thanks for the report. This was a nasty bug that has been sitting  
there for quite a while and has been fixed in the 1666 build.  
Unfortunately the nightly builds are down right now due to server  
update, but I have put a (Tiger) build at

The background is that there was a missing nil pointer as the  
termination of an array, so if R was lucky enough to be started in a  
clean "zeroed" memory, it worked. If the memory wasn't zeroed, it  
crashed. This can be affected by many factors and the DVD is just one  
of many random factors.


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