[R-SIG-Mac] How to Speed up R on the G5

Michael Redmond redmond at cs.wisc.edu
Mon Feb 7 17:23:37 CET 2005

The XL Fortran link from IBM goes directly to Absoft that sells XL 
Fortran for $399 to government institutions. The 60 day trial will be a 
good way to test things out.


Thomas Lumley wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Feb 2005, Michael Redmond wrote:
>> Thomas,
>> IBM makes C compiler optimized for Mac OS/X:
>> http://www-306.ibm.com/software/info/ecatalog/en_US/products/K107418L80422W37.html 
>> But I did not see a Fortran compiler.
> http://www-306.ibm.com/software/awdtools/fortran/xlfortran/features/macosx/xlf-mac.html 
>>              Does anyone know if Absoft the same as the above and does 
>> it include the compatible optimizing Fortran compiler?
> The IBM page on 'How to buy' links to
> http://www.absoft.com/Products/Compilers/Fortran/Macintosh/XLF/xlf.html
> It's not the same as the Absoft Pro Fortran.  I don't know which is 
> better.  They also aren't explicit on whether the IBM Fortran is 
> compatible with gcc --  it isn't on our university's central AIX system.
> There is a free trial period, though...
>     -thomas

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